American Red Cross - Are You Ready - Flood

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Are you ready for a flood or a flash flood? Here's what you can do to prepare for such emergencies.

The details..

'Are You Ready for a Flood or a Flash Flood?' is an informative guide that offers practical advice on how to prepare and respond during emergencies caused by flooding. The book begins by encouraging readers to know their area's flood risk so they can be better prepared. It then goes into detail about the different types of floods, such as those caused by prolonged rainfall over several days versus flash floods from broken dams or levees.

The author emphasizes the importance of being alert when there are signs of possible flooding and listening closely to local radio stations for updates. Readers will also learn ways they can reduce potential flood damage in their homes through measures like raising furnaces, water heaters, and electric panels if these items are located in areas that may become flooded.

One key aspect covered extensively in this book is creating a family disaster plan which includes having insurance coverage specifically designed for flooding situations; assembling important documents such as passports and birth certificates; putting together emergency supplies kits containing first aid essentials; identifying evacuation routes ahead of time; among other things.

Overall,'Are You Ready for a Flood or a Flash Flood?' serves as an excellent resource not only during times when natural disasters occur but also beforehand when people need guidance on how best to protect themselves against future events.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 160kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Time Available
Finances Available
Health and Fitness
Defensive Skills